Finca is a livestock management platform from Argentina. Its main goal is to provide a comprehensive solution for events related to the productive, health, nutritional and economic areas of a livestock establishment
We started working with Finca in 2020. The initial challenge was to help them, through our experience, in the creation of a first version of their platform while staying within their budget.
We joined their team and got quickly involved in the process of validating and molding ideas. As a whole, we built a full fledged web application where we mainly carry out the UI development, taking into account the following items:
  • User management.
  • Analytics Dashboard.
  • Livestock information tables.
  • Forms with accurate validations.
Subsequently, a mobile app was also devised and implemented. With an offline-first approach, intended as a companion to the main web app facilitating outdoor use to users.
We managed to work with a methodology of partial deliverables in order to promote the continuous iteration of the product, pursuing the availability of features as soon as they were developed, in an incremental way, favouring quick feedback and error fixing.
Throughout these years we have been growing alongside them, taking care of the needs that arise from users and facing their respective challenges. That's why we continue to choose each other to take this project forward.

“Working with emeks for us means working with great dynamism. They helped us from day zero, from the prototyping stage, to then build an MVP that allowed us to validate our market, where finally to this day, after almost 3 years, they continue to accompany us in the maturity of our product with each productive release. We managed to form an excellent work team, enhanced by the great human warmth that characterizes them, a high level of commitment and where space for exchange and suggestions could always be generated. They are a fundamental part of our project and we feel very pleased to be able to carry it out together.”

Renzo Belvedere
Co-Founder & COO en Finca
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